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Leader in Me


7Hill LIM Logo w/Lighthouse

Seven Hills Elementary has so much to be proud of! In August of 2016, Seven Hills Elementary opened its doors as a designated Leader in Me school, and we have continued our journey this year with the same enthusiasm and commitment from staff, students, and parents. This year we have continued to develop a deep understanding of the 7 Habits of Happy Kids, learning how the skills and strategies apply to school and personal lives and how the habits help shape each one of us as unique leaders. We have also focused on connecting the leadership principles to academics by creating and tracking progress on our Wildly Important Goals. Our Stars have shown tremendous growth in leadership and character because of The Leader in Me!

Part of sustaining the momentum and excitement with The Leader in Me involves staff sharpening the saw through different professional learning opportunities with Franklin Covey. One of the biggest events of the year is the annual Leader in Me Symposium. LIM Symposium attendees gather to listen and share their experiences with The Leader in Me. Part of Symposium includes breakout learning sessions presented by Leader in Me schools and Franklin Covey. Symposium also includes site visits to local Leader in Me schools. On day two of the conference, attendees board buses to other Leader in Me schools to see leadership in action!

In April of 2019 Seven Hills was given a Leader in Me top honor!  We were named a Lighthouse Campus!  We are so proud of the hard our students have done.  We will reapply for Lighthouse status every 2 years.  

We hope that you are as excited as we are about our big news! We are looking forward to continuing to represent our school community in such a public and positive way. We know that “GREAT happens here,” and we cannot wait to share the greatness with others!

Click on the buttons below to learn more about Leader in Me and Leader in Me at Home.