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Headshot of woman with short, curly blond hair wearing shirt with leaf patterns in black and white

Jennifer Morales, M.Ed.

Professional School Counselor

Hello, my name is Jennifer Morales and I have had the joy of being the counselor at Seven Hills for 19 years. Prior to counseling I taught third grade at Lakeview Elementary for nine years. I graduated from SUNY Plattsburgh in New York with a BS in Elementary Education and UNT in Denton with my MEd. in Counseling. I love being an educator and I love working with your children!

headshot of woman with short brown hair wearing teal shirt


Tammie Shelton, M.Ed.

Professional School Counselor

This is my 24th year in education, and I am thrilled to be a Seven Hills Wolf!  I am excited to work with Mrs. Morales and provide additional support to students.  I have been married to my husband, Scott, for 27 years and have two kids (18 and 21).  I love to read in my free time and also enjoy travelling. 

How to Visit the Counselor

If something is "bugging" your child, he/she is welcome to come by the counseling office. My job is to help teachers, parents/guardians and administrators to help children to succeed in school when they are struggling. 

The following are possible ways that a student may come visit the school counselor:

Student Request

The student may ask to come to my office by either dropping a note in the mailbox outside of my office or by asking their teacher if they may come.

Teacher Request

The student's teacher may request for the student to visit the counselor.

Parent Request

The student's parent(s) may request for the student to visit the counselor.

Counselor Request

The counselor may request for the student to visit the counselor.

Friend Request

A student may request to bring a friend with them to visit the counselor.

Contact Us

Counseling Office: 817-215-0724